
Sexual Dysfunction in Women


A sexual dysfunction, in the sense of lack of libido and desire for sexual activity, describes sexual dysfunction in men and women, aged 19 and above. Sexual dysfunction includes the desire for sex, erectile dysfunction, pain during sex, dysfunction during intercourse, lack of orgasm and pain during orgasm.

Sexual dysfunction in women is called by various names, such as Female sexual dysfunction, Dyspareunia, vaginismus, anorgasmia, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), vaginismus (an involuntary spasm of the vaginal walls that makes it difficult for a woman to attain orgasm), and breast orgasm. These are disorders of the genitals and the womb.

Looking at the definition, female sexual dysfunction includes pain during intercourse,  lack of orgasm, and vaginismus. These are disorders of the genitals and the womb.

As with any disorder, if it is not caused by natural causes, a physician should be consulted.

A person who has one or more of these disorders should seek professional assistance from a psychologist, or a psychiatrist before attempting to perform intercourse.

Just remember, sex is a mental and physical act. There is no reason to suffer from any sexual disorders. In fact, there may be mental and physical reasons why you suffer from one or more of these disorders. So, don’t let worries over having a sexual dysfunction prevent you or your loved one from having a wonderful sex life.

Remember, it is important to talk to your doctor, who can help you figure out what may be causing your problems, and possibly rule out any possible natural causes. Also, upon seeing the doctor, you may be asked to perform a virginity test, which will confirm that you are a virgin or not. This is an extremely important step – because, unless you are certain that you didn’t have sex, this test can be used to tell you whether you have broken the rules of purity and risk for sexual pleasure.

Finally, and this is very important, is that you must never have sex with your current partner while in the process of getting tested for a STD. Use a condom during the time of the test. You can get tested for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th time at home, at a clinic, or by calling for testing at a family planning clinic.

There are over 20 million women in the United States alone who have infertility problems. In fact, one in 5 couples have no children. This is the primary reasons that couples have terrible relationships and terrible sex lives. This occurs because each partner has rejected the desire for sex with each other.

One might call this, “a Rubik’s Cube” problem. It’s frustrating, complex, and difficult to solve. From a physical standpoint, the female body contains all the parts that are required for a successful conception.

Inside the woman’s body are the proprietary hormonal compounds that must be present in a high concentration in order for her to be fertile. At the time of human conception, the level of hormones is too low to ensure fertilization. Instead, abnormally high levels of hormones have been found in semen samples and in the breast milk of women who were nursing. Also, in women who are at risk for getting pregnant, there are actually higher levels of hormones in the womb than in the norm. This has been known to cause abnormal development of the organs and can lead to miscarriages.

When a woman is at risk for getting pregnant, an abnormal level of hormones (known as an infertility) may inhibit fertilization. Instead of making sperm, the abnormal level of hormones may make the sperm that fertilizes the egg survive and meet up with the egg cell. Instead of making eggs, the abnormal concentration of hormones may lead to necks being broken, heads being broken, and vaginas being torn. All of these things can lead to a very frustrated and unhappy woman.

There is noregional stereotype for women that is a lack of desire for sex. Women range from young and young at the same time, to menopausal women, to women in their late forties, all suffering from some kind of female sexual dysfunction. We are all human beings and by using our common sense we can see there is no one single cause for a lack of libido. It is wise to see our doctors and put together a plan to increase our hormones and re-establish a healthy female sexual libido.